What we Do
We specialize in public safety and emergency management program assessments, project management, emergency planning and the provision of training and exercise events in support of emergency preparedness. 

From Our Founder

Our Services

Katmai Solutions provides public safety and emergency management program assessments, and emergency planning, training, and exercise services. Our passion is training and personnel development  giving your staff the tools they need to function within the Emergency Operations Center or Incident Command Post.

We do this through a combination of nationally recognized training courses that are delivered with a local lens, and by creating tabletop, functional, and full-scale exercises to validate plans and give your staff the opportunity to experience a realistic scenario.

We offer services both on-site and virtually via several technology platforms. Our team is composed of true emergency management professionals and leaders within the public sector. 


Alaska Services

For local government and non-profit sector Alaska clients, we offer a “menu” of fixed price services designed for ease of procurement and a low administrative burden which are provided by our consulting team with a diverse background and expertise in multiple areas, many with specific experience within Alaska.

Alaska is our home, and Katmai Preparedness Solutions is dedicated to supporting and expanding public safety and emergency management within the state.  Alaska provides unique challenges in environment, geography, resources, and many other ways.  With many public sector officials wearing multiple hats on a daily basis, planning, training, and exercise can take a back burner to day to day tasks.

Our fixed price services are designed to supplement, on a task basis, daily staff and free up time for other pressing projects.  In addition, general consulting services are available for our Alaska clients where the need does not fit into a pre-defined project.  These services are available at a significantly discounted rate, with most items being provided remotely.  On-site services are available with additional travel expense the responsibility of the client.

Additional information on these services is available on our Alaska Services page.

Project Management

Katmai Solutions provides project management services for various types of public safety, emergency management, and infrastructure initiatives. Often, in house staff do not have the resources available to manage initiatives and new projects while able to complete regular duties.

– Planning, Exercises, and emergency management centric projects

– Infrastructure solutions, such as radio, broadband, and other networking applications

– Business analysis, process mapping, and software/data migrations


We leverage our project management resources to ensure that project milestones and timelines are met with communication to the project owners and maintenance of project documentation and applicable reporting requirements.

Planning Services

Katmai Solutions offers planning services to both private and public sector entities. Emergency Planning is the cornerstone to effective emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. KPS provides the following services.
An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) dictates processes that come into use during the response and initial recovery of an incident. Often an EOP will address priorities, resources, management and responsibilities, communications, administration, and more. Often, the core plan will have one or more functional annexes, hazard specific annexes, or both. The annexes contain specific information based on the function or hazard, while the core plan typically is more high level in nature.
A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) is separate from an EOP, focusing on how to maintain essential operations during any type of emergency or disaster. Often used in government and in critical infrastructure, this type of plan identifies an organization’s Mission Essential Functions and Supporting Functions. An analysis of these functions directs processes for systems, staff, and others to continue these functions from alternate locations or in an alternate manner. The planning process may include a vulnerability analysis for the organization.
A Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) identifies the risk and vulnerabilities in a defined area. These risks could include natural disasters, man-made disasters, or criminal acts. After the identification and analysis of these risks, strategies are identified to reduce them in the long-term. These strategies and actions can be physical mitigation projects, outreach and education, or regulatory and policy changes. An HMP has requirements set out in federal and other regulations, and are approved by state and federal authorities.

Other planning products may also be available. Please contact us to discuss your specific planning needs.

Training & Exercise

Katmai Solutions specializes in training and exercises for local and state governments, first responder agencies in the private sector. It is essential that employees and volunteers receive world-class training and participate in well-planned exercises in order to be ready for events and incidents that may occur in the future.

Customized Training Sessions

Our training sessions are tailored to the individual agency. While the national curriculum is delivered as prescribed, our trainers obtain historical information and current practices in order to make the sessions relevant and engaging to local participants.

Some of the courses offered by KPS include:

ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for expanding incidents
ICS-400: Advanced ICS for complex incidents
191: EOC/ICS Interface
427: CERT Program Manager
428: CERT Train the Trainer
950: Incident Commander Position Specific
962: Planning Section Chief Position Specific

Please contact us for course availability. Most courses can also be delivered virtually.

Exercise Design, Conduct, & Evaluation

Exercises allow for individuals to practice what they have learned in training in a realistic, but no-fault learning environment. Exercises range from tabletop and discussion based in a room or virtually, to full-scale exercises in the field. We can plan and manage exercises that are compliant with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and provide all appropriate documentation and after-action reports. Exercises are always custom designed based on the objectives of the agency.

Get In Touch

2 + 9 =

110 N. Willow St. STE 130
Kenai, AK 99611

(907) 531-7602